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Nightingale Primary School


The Nightingale PTA’s (Parent Teacher Association) main mission is to make a meaningful contribution to the quality of school life for all.

Our aim is to be a thriving community of parents, teachers and governors working together to raise funds and strengthen the school community.

The money raised helps deliver projects that have a positive impact on school and its pupils and covers additional things that the school budget does not cover


Follow us for the latest events:



You can make a difference!

All parents and carers of children at Nightingale school are welcomed to actively participate in the PTA and contribute to the school community and projects.There are many ways you can get involved, even if you have limited time to spare. Including:

  • Follow, Share and like events on our social media accounts
  • Offer to volunteer (no strings attached! Do what you can when you can)
  • Come to our events - Contribute cakes to sell at events
  • Donate preloved items to our uniform shop
  • Offer raffle prizes -
  • Attending PTA meeting’s and suggesting brilliant ideas for future events!

You can choose to help in any way you can, and any amount of time you can give to the PTA will always be welcomed! All money raised helps to support the school and fund great events for the children.  


We’re all the PTA!

All parents and carers of children at Nightingale school are welcomed as volunteers and members of the Nightingale PTA. Being part of the PTA you can:

  • Connect with other parents
  • Stay informed
  • Make your voice heard
  • Help with fundraising for the school and its students 


We would love to have you on board: 

instagram.com/nightingaleprimaryschoolpta    instagram.com/nightingaleprimaryschoolpta



Donate through JustGiving:


Shop through Give as you Live to donate with every purchase with no cost to you:


Purchase name labels through Stikins and use the code 14387, the PTA will receive a donation for every label brought!



To see events or buy tickets:




PTA Committee.

Our current PTA committee was voted in and runs January 2022-January 2023.



Upcoming Events: 2022-2023