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Nightingale Primary School

What is the PTA?

Hello! We are a community of parent volunteers committed to making our school the best it can be. As a registered charity, our mission is to raise funds, build connections, and create enriching experiences that make a real difference in our children’s school lives. From new playgrounds to creative spaces, and from essential resources to unforgettable events, we’re here to make our school an inspiring place for every child.

The events we run provide us with money to spend on creating spaces, building infrastructure, and funding activities that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.

Put simply, we want to make the school better for our kids.

With less and less government provision, and a cost of living crisis, the support we offer is so important.


What have we done recently?

We regularly fundraise for projects that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. Recently this has included:

  • Sensory Garden: A peaceful haven where students of all ages can have lessons, read, and unwind.
  • Brand new library: A vibrant new space for the whole school.
  • Playground equipment: An upgraded playground for our younger students.
  • Theatre productions: Bringing arts and culture to our school and creating memories that last a lifetime.
  • The Hardship Fund: Assisting families who need extra support with uniforms, school trips, music lessons, and more.

We’ve got big plans for this year so please come to our events, buy our cakes and get involved with raffles so that we can continue to provide for the school.


Our Fundraisers

Every year, we bring the school community together for a series of fantastic events that raise crucial funds and put smiles on everyone’s faces. From our annual summer fete to winter fairs, bake sales, discos, and sports days, there’s always something exciting on the calendar. And we’re open to fresh ideas – if there’s an event you’d love to see, let us know!


The PTA needs YOU! Here’s how you can help make a difference:

You can support the PTA in 3 main ways: coming to our events, making donations, giving some of your time. Importantly, we are always looking for more committee members and volunteers, if you can spare a couple of hours to help at events or with anything we do, please get in touch on ptanightingale@gmail.com.

Useful links
Email: ptanightingale@gmail.com
Donate: https://www.justgiving.com/ptanightingale
See our upcoming events: https://www.pta-events.co.uk/nightingaleprimary
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nightingaleprimaryschoolpta/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nightingalepta