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Nightingale Primary School



There are a range of childcare providers, and different childcare types, that you can use if your child attends Nightingale Primary School. The school do not provide their own before and after school childcare. However, Kids in Charge provide breakfast club and after school club on site and a number of different providers drop off to the school in the morning and collect from the school in the afternoon. This includes both group childcare settings and child minders. Some of these providers also run childcare during school holidays.

You can find out more about the different options available to you by looking at the Local Authority website FiND. This website enables you to select Nightingale as a school pick up location, select the type of provider you would like and view their locations on a map. You will also be able to read each providers most recent Ofsted Inspection.

We hope that you will find this helpful when arranging your childcare.  

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